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Daniela Malcangio

Area 08 - Ingegneria civile e Architettura
tel: +390805963910
curriculum vitae: [scarica]

ricevimento: Tutte le mattine previo appuntamento per email



Daniela Malcangio studied at the Politecnico di Bari, graduating in Civil Engineering (2000), and a PhD (2004). She was awarded as researcher at the Politecnico di Bari, DICATECh, since 2 May 2012. Her main research areas lie in Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulics and Maritime and Environmental Hydraulics, with particular interest to the following subjects:

  • Turbulent jets and plumes.
  • Hydrodynamic interaction between jets / plumes and vegetation.
  • Circulation of marine currents offshore and onshore.
  • Diffusion and dilution of discharges in the sea.
  • 3D Mathematical modelling of wave motion phenomena.

Pubblicazioni scientifiche

Elenco pubblicazioni presenti nel  Catalogo dei prodotti della Ricerca


Collaborazioni internazionali

Within the frame of the BEST project, a specific analysis of the evolutionary dynamics of the beaches belonging to an Adriatic coastal stretch and the implementation of a smart monitoring system, to be extended to a nearby enclosed basin, are foreseen. The project, as a whole, aims to protect the natural and cultural heritage and restore biodiversity and rural and coastal natural habitats. The activities concern two main aspects, mutually correlated and analyzed in detail in the following, i.e. (i) monitoring of the areas, and (ii) analysis of the evolutive dynamics of the coasts.

  • Region of Ionian Islands (lead beneficiary) , Region of Epirus , Region of Western Greece - Corfu (GRECIA)

