Andrea Nascetti
Area 08 - Ingegneria civile e Architettura
tel: +390805963564
mobile: +39 3277395995
curriculum vitae: [scarica]
Earth Observation & Remote Sensing
Models and algorithms for processing optical and radar high resolution satellite im- agery using different techniques (i.e Photogrammetry, Radargrammetry and Interferometry). Development and implementation of feature extraction, off-set tracking and matching algorithms; stereoscopic digital surface models generation. Co-registration of optical and SAR satellite imagery using SIFT based approach. Time series analysis and big data cubes exploitation using cloud based technology (i.e Google Earth Engine, Google Cloud Platform)
Computer Vision & Machine Learning
Close range 3D modelling using several sensors and techniques. Validation and cali- bration analysis of low cost range camera (e.g. Microsoft Kinect v1 and v2, Occipital Structure Sensor). Multi-view photogrammetry based on Structure from Motion (SfM) algorithms. Development of segmentation techniques for point clouds analysis. Image classification using both supervised and unsupervised machine learning methods (i.e. Random Forest, SVM, K-Means, Neural networks, Bayesian approaches).
GIS & Geospatial data
Digital Surface Models (DSMs) and Orthoimages comparison, cross-validation and quality assessment. Statistical analysis. Land use and Land Cover mapping and statistical analysis. Geo Big Data analysis, management and development